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Richard Pickles

Testing out our early retirement weekly food shop budget.

Food shopping trolley

As we move closer to our early retirement later this year, we have become more and more aware of the importance and value of a budgetary plan. Weekly food shopping on a budget needn't be boring or unhealthy, but you do have to be quite methodical in your planning if you are going to save that important cash for the more exciting things in life.

Why a budget in the first place?

We still have a few months to go on our journey into early retirement, so why the urgency to live on a tight weekly budget?

  1. It saves us money now that will be much more useful to us in the future when we don’t have an income in September.

  2. It conditions us now to what living on a tighter budget will be like so that it will not be as much of a shock when we retire.

  3. It is good for us on many levels to be more economical and less wasteful with any non-essential purchases.

  4. Less is more- like all economic considerations, less purchasing leaves us more time and space for the really good things in life that we value. Life is not about the stuff (including posh food) but experiences.

  5. Shopping more frugally is better for our health as we tend to cook more fresh food and are less reliant on processed (and expensive) junk food.

  6. We waste less food each week. To throw away food in the modern world is unforgivable.

Principles of a budget food shop

  1. Have a meal plan for the week in place before you step into the shop. This should include all snacks and treats that you are also planning to consume between meals.

  2. Shop at more budget shops- we are massive advocates of Aldi as it seems pounds cheaper than any other supermarket alternatives.

  3. Have an alternative shop to buy luxury/branded goods from that are not available at your main store. We have Waitrose in our town (our only alternative to Aldi!) where we buy things such as our washing powder which we prefer a branded product. Waitrose shopping will probably stop when we fully retire and give up our salaries!

  4. Only buy things that are on your list. Avoid the temptation of the end of isle deals.

  5. Always check and compare the cost per 100g between similar products- it is a quick and easy way to ensure that you are getting the best value for each purchase.

  6. If in doubt, buy the brand tier lower than you would normally purchase. Store own brands are great value compared to the main brands.

  7. Never shop when hungry.

  8. Shop early- get in, get out and get home before the crowds.

  9. Deal in cash- there is no greater way to keep you on budget than knowing you only have a set amount of cash on you at the till!

  10. Plan in your shopping to include leftovers in your meal plans.

  11. Consider what you already have in stock at home before heading off to the shops- don’t purchase things that you already have in the freezer or store cupboards.

Weekly meal plan basics

Breakfast. I always have the same breakfast every day- boring I know, but it takes the mental decision making out of my mornings. 1 slice of toast, 2 lean bacon rashers, 2 eggs and spring onion, peppers and tomato’s.

For Jackie it is either a banana, toast or nothing…we are so alike!

Cooked breakfast image

Lunch. I tend to have either warmed up left overs from the dinner before, or a simple salad with some form of bulky protein and a piece of fruit. Jackie loves a sandwich or toasty at lunch.

Packed lunch

Dinner. We have a range of go to dinners that we cook from scratch. The best dinners are those that leave ample leftovers for the day after!

Snacks. I have a couple of snack meals a day, based around protein and fruit. This is normally a yogurt pouch or a protein bar and apple/banana/clementine.

A sample weekly plan

Sunday- quiche salad for lunch, roast shoulder of lamb and veggies for dinner

Monday- left over Sunday roast for lunch, cottage pie for dinner.

Tuesday- cottage pie left overs for lunch, home made pizza and salad for dinner.

Wednesday- southern fried chicken salad for lunch, steak fajitas for dinner.

Thursday- steak fajitas left overs for lunch, baked gnocchi for dinner.

Friday- left over baked gnocchi for lunch, curry night for dinner.

Saturday- home made sandwiches for lunch, BBQ extravaganza for dinner

Our weekly shopping list for this meal plan

Fruit and veg





Mixed greens


Salad leaves



Spring onions



Southern fried chicken mini fillets

Shoulder of lamb joint

Beef mince

Italian cold meats

Beef steak

Spicy chorizo

Chicken breast fillets

Chicken thigh fillets


Bacon medallions

Cooked ham


Wholemeal bread


Own brand protein bars

Coffee beans

Fizzy water

Diet fizzy drinks/ 0% beer


Fajita pack

Bread mix



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Jun 29, 2022

Love the blog x

Richard Pickles
Sep 04, 2022
Replying to

Thanks for this Alison- just worked out how to reply to messages 😂

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